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16 Jan 2008

'We must focus on the customer to revolutionise cancer care'

Article by Professor Karol Sikora
(extracts published in the Sunday Telegraph, 2nd December 2007)

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10 Jan 2008

Cancer. The Next Ten Years.

Article by Professor Karol Sikora

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Personalised medicine for cancer: from molecular signature to therapeutic choice.

Article by Professor Karol Sikora

In the field of cancer medicine, great strides have been made in understanding the fundamental biology of cancers and impressive treatments have emerged resulting in markedly prolonged survival for many patients. These advances mean that cancer could well become a chronic disease within the next 20 years, but that promise depends on sustained investment in innovation in both diagnostics and therapies as well as society's willingness to pay for both.

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The Cancer Reform Strategy challenges, choices and opportunities.

Since the introduction of the NHS Cancer Plan (2000) much has been achieved in cancer care; Cancer mortality is falling by approximately 2% per annum in people under the age of 75, survival rates continue to improve and significant improvements have been made in peoples’ experience of cancer care. However, significant challenges remain and are the focus of the emergent Cancer Reform Strategy (CRS). Due for publication Autumn 2007 the CRF addresses the ongoing challenges and opportunities within cancer care, these include the rising incidence of cancer, rising expectations of public and patients, impact of new technologies upon diagnosis and treatment and financial constraints. Within these key areas the themes of choice, equity, value for money and the delivery of holistic services underpin the reforms. Having had the opportunity to participate work streams from both chemotherapy and nursing perspectives, it is clear that the face of cancer care is set to change both in the nature of service configuration and the nature of care delivery.

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